Download StrokesPlus (x86/x64) + Portable or any other file from Applications category. HTTP download also available at fast speeds. Full download StrokesPlus + Portable 5.75.9 Mb StrokesPlus is a mouse gesture recognition program that allows you to automate repetitive tasks by simply. This package was approved by moderator ferventcoder on 3/22/2016. StrokesPlus is a completely free mouse gesture recognition utility for Windows which allows you to. Assign particular actions to mouse gestures and customize the built-in ones, so as to make it easier for your to perform common tasks in Windows.
Assign particular actions to mouse gestures and customize the built-in ones, so as to make it easier for your to perform common tasks in Windows Portable StrokesPlus is a software utility, designed in order to help people create and customize all sort of mouse gestures and assign them to actions. This is the portable version of StrokesPlus, meaning that you can bypass the installation process, and that the Windows registry and Start menu/screen are not going to be affected in any way.
Aside from that, Portable StrokesPlus can be used on any computer you have access to, by placing the program files to a portable storage unit, such as a USB flash drive and clicking the executable. This software tool is non-obtrusive, as it goes in the system tray from the beginning. By left-clicking on the icon, you can enable or disable the mouse gestures, a feature that significantly enhances ease of use. Right-clicking the last mentioned icon brings up a context menu which enables you to password-protect the program, as well as go to actions, hotkeys, ignore list and preferences. In addition to that, you can change the action that disables Portable StrokesPlus. The built-in actions are split into three categories, according to the application it is going to affect. You should know that you can customize these, as well as add new ones, by providing the file path, pattern, name, control title, ID, and so on.
Aside from that, you should know you can choose the gestures, key or mouse modifiers and Lua scripts for the actions, from built-in lists. All in all, Portable StrokesPlus is a simple, yet powerful piece of software which enables you to perform certain actions with a lot more ease, by assigning them to mouse gestures or hotkeys. We did not observe any errors, bugs or crashes during our tests, and response time is good. SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS • Pointing device (mouse, pen, touchpad).
コードの記述 次にアクションでどういった動作をさせるかを、Luaスクリプトエディット内に記述します。 動作を組み合わせて複雑な作業をさせるには というスクリプトプログラム言語の知識が必要になりますが、単純な動作には予め用意されたアクション関数があります。'利用可能なアクション'の下にあるボタンを押せば、利用できるアクション関数のリストが表示されます。使用したいアクション関数を選んで'挿入'ボタンを押せば、Luaスクリプトエディット内にサンプルコードが挿入されますので、これを変更して好きなアクションを定義していきます。 使用したいアクション関数を選択した状態で'情報'ボタンを押せば、そのアクション関数についての簡単な解説が表示されますので参考にして下さい。 Lua言語についての詳細な知識があれば、StrokesPlusに無限とも言える柔軟性を与えることが出来ます。興味があればネット上にLuaについての様々な情報や入門書がありますので勉強してみて下さい。参考: この例ではacShellExecuteというアクション関数を利用して指定したファイルをデフォルトのプログラムで開くようにします。 利用可能なアクションから'acShellExecute'を選択して、'挿入'ボタンを押せば、雛形となるサンプルコードが挿入されます。. Com.opensymphony.xwork2.actioncontext Jar File.