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Afternoon chaps, Newbie here - new, that is, to CAD, CAM and CNCing. I've been machining for a couple of years, had my CNC mill a few months, and I'm just started to get to grips with it all. I've been searching for a suitable CAM program, and CamBam looks like it's going to be it.
Here's the thing, though; My machine is an elderly Bridgeport Interact 1 Mk2, with a TNC151 controller. I managed to get it to go into ISO mode, loaded a simple drawing into CamBam, and used the post-processor & script posted elsewhere on this very forum. Unfortunately, the resulting NC simply crashed my processor, after looping around the first three instructions a few times.
Not to be disheartened, I switched back to conversational (which I have been learning via the HH manuals); re-did the TNC151 post-processor to output HH Conversational commands, and modified the script to fix up the various issues the postprocessor can't do/leaves behind. I've used this PP + script to generate a fairly simple machining sequence. Descargar Cd Recuperacion Windows Vista Hp.
I haven't tried the drilling canned cycle yet, and may need to amend that bit. I also seem to get a lot of errors in CamBam, but the resulting code is fine? Not sure what's happening there, any clues welcomed. I'd really appreciate it if anyone else running a similarly old HH control in conversational mode could try it out & let me know if they get snags.
Hopefully, I'll be able to do the same too. Meantime, a BIG thank you to jmccracken, lloydsp and others for the work they put into the G-code version, without that I would have been struggling big time. PS: To use the post-post processor script, copy the H-151-C Post-Post.txt file to your c: drive & change the extension to.vbs EDIT: The old version of this postproc didn't work very well; attached now is the latest version as of 14/mar/2013, which works much better. What a beneficial coincidence!
I have been playing with Cambam for 3 or 4 years now using my homemade Axminster XY table plus cobbled up Z axis. It has produced some brilliant work for my traction engine model. However, last week a friend in real engineering has sold me an Interact 1 mk2 all in original and working condition. I notice it can accept G codes and was hoping to get Cambam to oblige so as to save learning HH and now here you are with a solution! Hex Workshop License File Keygen Crack here. It is going to take me a week or so to get the machine installed and powered up but I will report progress as soon as I get some!